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Why Is Drivers Ed an Important Investment?

If you have a teen who is about to be old enough to drive, you may be thinking about how they will need to learn the rules of the road and where to find quality instruction. Drivers ed helps your teen gain the skills they need to be a safe driver. GoSwerve offers programs to help both teens and adults learn driving skills in order to pass their driving tests.

Safety First

GoSwerve teen driving school focus on safety first. Our curriculum is focused on helping students gain the knowledge they need to react safely to various situations while they are driving. The program teaches them valuable skills they will use once they are driving on their own.

We help them learn the basics of driving, how to be prepared for the unexpected, and how to react correctly. Our curriculum helps them retain this information to ensure they know what to do when situations arise. The curriculum is presented in such a way that helps them remember important points when they are tested in life.

Build a Strong Foundation

When you sign your teen driver up for GoSwerve’s teen driving program, you are helping them to build a strong foundation for driving. We teach the basics, such as the rules of the road and obeying traffic laws. We also help them understand the mechanics of operating their vehicles.

Teens will learn what distracted driving is in this program and how it can be dangerous. They will also develop skills to help them avoid being distracted while in the driver’s seat. We don’t overwhelm the students with too much information presented at once. Instead, we build a little at a time to ensure they understand and retain the information.

Benefits for Teens and Adults

When you choose GoSwerve for your adult or teen driver’s curriculum, you’ll enjoy several benefits.

  1. The course schedules are convenient to work around your busy days and weeks.
  2. The curriculum will keep students engaged, which makes it more interesting and easier to remember.
  3. Our instructors have gone beyond the minimum state requirements for driving instruction. They have the experience that enables them to be successful in working with teens and adults, and they can help to build their confidence.
  4. The instructors help the students build skills they will need and provide both classroom and road testing.
  5. GoSwerve driving school provides plenty of classroom time and hours behind the wheel to help you learn the mechanics of driving in real situations. We are also a state-approved provider for the state road exam. This means 34 hours of classroom instruction and at least five hours behind the wheel with at least one hour of observation behind the wheel.

Driving Requirements

Washington requires at least 50 hours of driving at home with 10 of those hours at night. Drivers ed helps you start out right to meet those requirements with the guidance of a trained instructor. After you attend a session behind the wheel with our instructors, you will be given a list of practice areas to work on at home before the next drive. This ensures you know what you need to work on to become a better driver.

The drives are designed to teach skills a little at a time. We choose the routes based on skills they have recently learned and don’t overwhelm them with situations they are uncomfortable in. The goal is to build on each session to help students feel safe and confident in their ability to handle any situation.

Peace of Mind

One of the main reasons that drivers ed is such an important investment in teaching your teenagers to drive is for the peace of mind it gives to the parents. Our instructors are trained in managing the classroom, presenting information, and being attentive during driving lessons. They have a real passion for teaching teen drivers.

Our goal is not just to train your teen driver to drive well, but to motivate them to use their skills in the future and avoid accidents. We want to inspire teens to be safe and confident drivers. GoSwerve invites parents to get involved by helping them become better coaches for their kids.

The curriculum from GoSwerve is backed by research. We keep it updated as the rules of the road change or new information is presented. With our online scheduling tool, you can change drives anytime when it’s most convenient for you.

Invest in Drivers Ed

Let GoSwerve help you prepare for the responsibilities that await when you get in the driver’s seat. Our drivers ed training will equip them with the skills they need to avoid accidents and be safe on the road. You can sign up online or contact our customer center for any questions you may have. GoSwerve is on a mission to make a positive change in the way people drive.


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Swerve Driving School by state or zip code, please use the Locations Page button.

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12345 Lake City Way NE #348
Seattle WA 98125-5401

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USDS Franchising Corp

12345 Lake City Way NE #348
Seattle WA 98125-5401