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A Parent’s Guide to Modeling Good Driving for Your Teen

A Parent's Guide to Modeling Good Driving for Your Teen | Swerve Driving School

When it comes to teaching teenagers to drive, the most important factor is you, the parent. Showing your teenager how to drive starts long before they start driver’s education. Here are five areas you can focus on to set a great example for your future drivers.

Drive Calm and Un-impaired

Before you get behind the wheel, pay attention to how you are feeling. Are you stressed? Angry? Distracted? If you answer yes to any of these feelings, you are not going to be able to drive calm and caring. Any of these can increase your chances of road rage, impatience in following laws, and your ability to effectively talk to your teen about things you see on the road.

The same goes for impaired driving. If you have been drinking, doing drugs, taking medications, or are overly tired, you are not fit to drive. Make sure you say out loud to your child that it is important to never drive impaired.

Emphasize Safety

Before you pull out of your driveway, it is important to make sure you are wearing a seatbelt. If you have passengers in the car, it is vital to make sure they are all buckled in properly too. This shows others that safety is a priority in your car and you expect them to follow the rules.

Responding to Other Drivers Responsibly

There will be plenty of times on the road that you will be cut-off or someone does something aggressive around you on the road. Instead of getting upset, show your child how to stay calm, focus on the road, and keep your composure.

If someone does something incorrectly on the road, calmly point it out to your child and explain why it was not right. Showing examples and taking time to explain is the best way to teach a principle.

Follow the Laws

A child only has as much respect for the law as they are taught. Make sure you follow the speed limits and other traffic laws. Most importantly, do not use your cell phone while driving. If you need to respond to a message or look something up, pull off the road. You can even hand your phone to them to do it for you. Don’t make exceptions for yourself.

Receive Their Correction

As the parent, it can be hard to receive correction from your child when you are the one who is supposed to be correcting them. When your child points out that you are driving over the speed limit, not wearing your seatbelt, or you didn’t come to a full and complete stop, thank them for noticing and say that you will try and do better. Set the example on how to take correction because you will be giving plenty of your own when they are behind the wheel.


“Do as I say, not as I do” is one saying that just won’t work with teenagers, especially with driving. Set a good example by modeling the behaviors listed above and your teen will not only follow you but they also just might listen to your corrections too.


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12345 Lake City Way NE #348
Seattle WA 98125-5401